When a Pub of the Year and a Butcher’s Shop of the Year join forces to raise money for charity it’s bound to add up to something really special.

And that’s just how things turned out for the Beer & Sausage Sunday run by The Six Bells at Beenham with Green’s of Pangbourne.

350 people attended;
450 artisan sausages consumed;
560 pints of five different real ales drunk;
and – most importantly – £1,720 raised for Help For Heroes, the charity supporting British service people injured on active duty in Afghanistan and Iraq.

A frying-pan full of cash was presented to the charity. In our picture, from left: Peter Davies, Help for Heroes Volunteer County Coordinator for Berkshire; Chris Harman and Glynis Snow, proprietors of The Six Bells; Philip Cripps and his son Christopher from Green’s.

Said Chris: “Help for Heroes is such a worthwhile charity we really felt we wanted to support it, and the idea of a Beer & Sausage Sunday developed from discussions we had with Philip – he supplies our hand-made sausages and said he would donate and cook a selection of his sausages for a Help for Heroes barbecue”.

Real ales from West Berkshire, Vale, Ringwood, Fullers, Arkells and Church End brewers were available alongside the artisan Green’s sausages on the bbq. Family fun included face painting and a bouncy castle. The event was enlivened by an eight-piece live jazz band and an auction.

Said Philip: “The atmosphere was great, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves; we had to work fast on the sausage barbecue grill to keep pace with demand. We were delighted to give the sausages and our time to such a good cause.”

The Six Bells was voted West Berkshire’s Pub of the Year in 2008 by the Campaign for Real Ale, CAMRA, and has been mentioned in the Good Beer Guide for three years running. The restaurant has won mouthwatering reviews – “an experience to be savoured” was the verdict of the 2010 Food & Drink Guide.

Green’s won the accolade South of England Butcher’s Shop of the Year in a national competition. The hand-made pies and 18-flavours of artisan sausages have been awarded a string of regional, national, and international prizes for quality.

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